We had a fun Halloween. Grant was a green dragon and Cole was a skeleton. Grant had skeleton pj's that he wore Halloween night so they could match.
We didn't take Grant trick-or-treating because he doesn't really get it and he would just want to either follow other kids around or run into the street, but our Church does a "trunk-or-treat" activity every year (usually a few days before Halloween) where we have chili and games inside and then the kids trunk-or-treat in the parking lot. Grant had a great time!
Jamie dressed-up as "Chuck" (my dad). He'll probably wear this mustache for the next 5 years!
Grant loved the sucker but not the mustache.
Cole, our cute skeleton.
Grant interrupted the cupcake walk by turning off the music to soon.
The gym had two big trash cans on wheels we were using to clean-up after the chili. I think this was Grant's favorite part of the evening. He loves things he can push or pull and he couldn't decide which trash can he liked to push more.
The adults spread their cars out and decorate their trunks with lights and music and things. Grant wasn't into getting the candy, but loved all the decor and lights.
Sunday night Grant and I carved his pumpkin. I think it turned out really cute.

Grant and Cole Halloween night. We tried to get Grant to pose with Cole but he wasn't having it.
Grant had had enough posing. I guess we should have done this sooner than bedtime!
Grant retaliated by getting into the moss he knows he's not supposed to touch. I guess he showed us!